In-house spa services (massages, facials, manicures and pedicures)
From a holistic and intuitive massage, shiatsu, Swedish or a relaxing massage with essential oils and soft music, choose what works for you in your villa. Deep tissue massages are also available.
Mindfulness and meditation practices are proven ways to reduce stress and increase well-being. Meditation may already be part of your self-care routine or it may
will be uncharted territory for you.
Either way, make the most of your Vacation: retrain your mind to settle into the present moment with one of our in-house Reiki or Sound Healing therapies.
Your Private Concierge has partnered with a wonderful yoga instructor. He teaches traditional Hatha yoga classes inspired by one of the great Indian masters who introduced yoga to the world
Indian masters who introduced yoga to the West. You can also attend his Vinyasa and/or Yin Yoga classes, either at home or outdoors in the
outdoors, in the most beautiful corners of the Riviera.